Climber suffers serious cut

A tree trimmer was rescued from a palm on November 22, 2020, in Hughson, California, after he apparently cut himself with his saw, became disoriented and slid about 30 feet down the trunk. The man, in his late 40s or early 50s, was hired to do the tree work and was high in the tree […]

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Two injured when rope feeds into chipper

Two tree workers were injured when a climbing or rigging rope was accidentally fed into a chipper during or prior to November 2020 in Easton, Maryland. A man was in his home when he heard “a horrific grinding noise and screaming.” Outside, where a tree crew was cleaning up trees damaged in storms earlier that […]

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Worker rescued from palm

It took emergency crews about 20 minutes to free a tree trimmer who wound up trapped upside down in a palm tree, about 30 feet above the ground, November 9, 2020, in a San Carlos, California- area neighborhood. After firefighters got the victim, a man in his 40s, out of the tree, medics took him […]

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